I decided that I wanted to write about chapter 9 for this blog post because I find it to be much more relatable to common student experiences. This chapter discussed the different ways to review your work and how to mold it to fit into different genres. Revising your work is such an important part of the writing process but in reality, many students will skip over it. After writing a long essay, the last thing many people want to do is read it all over again. I am also guilty of not looking over my work before I turned it in a couple of times but this chapter really taught me how dangerous this can be for my writing. First you should look over it yourself to see if you catch any major mistakes. Then, the best thing to do it hand it off to a peer and allow them to suggest changes that will add substance to your paper and correct minor errors that you didn’t catch. After handing it to a couple of different people, you can write your final draft which can be significantly better thanks to the help of others. It then went into how you can take a genre from one paper and transform it into another. The example they used was turning a film review into a visual presentation. An everyday example of this is when producers turn a book into a move. The Harry Potter series started as books and they were turned into a series of movies for fans to enjoy. Movies are much bigger than a powerpoint presentation but as students we transform our works into different genres on a daily basis. I feel this chapter helped students relate more to the revising of a paper and changing it genre.
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